
The history of the Tuscany

Tuscany Chianti Wine

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From the etruschi to the Roman

The first territorial identity of the Tuscany is made to go back to the domination of the etruschi, more evoluto and the powerful italico people of the millenium a.C. From the etruschi taken to the name the region: the Etruria term and that successive one of Tuscia extended but also to some zones of the Lazio. The territory correspondent to odierna the Tuscany was for etruschi the last one roccaforte within which they were defended, withdrawing itself from Italy and the Mediterranean under the pressure of the Greeks and the cartaginesi, that they came from the sea, and of galliums and the Roman, that they came from earth. With the roman conquest, completed between the IV and III the century a.C., the Tuscany returned to become part in a system of relations that extended the regional within and to which the new viari aces supplied the essential ribbings: reshaped from the great roads (the Aurelia, the Cassia, the Clodia, the Flaminia), the regional planning saw various centers etruschi at the same time to lose prestige and asserting itself of new poles, like Pisa, Pistoia, Lucca. To the end of the republican age the region crossed a period of crisis, that it comes debited to multiple factors, like imperversare of the civil wars, spreading of the malaria, diffusing themselves of latifondo and the contraction of the market of the grain, caused from the competition of the coming from cereals from the East. With I reorder administrative acts from Augusto, the Tuscany strengthened its historical-geographic identity, becoming Regal the WAYS of the empire: such it remained until the times of Diocleziano, than it combined it to the Umbria and it established in the city of Florentia the president's house. During the domination of longobardi (the 568-774), that they made of the Tuscany ducato and they considered it a strategic node for the transit from the reign of Pavia to the ducati ones of Spoleto and Benevento, the zone crossed from the inner road was developed in particolar way that give the emiliano Appennino came down towards Lucca for the step of the Cisa (the Bardone mount, from the obvious etimologia longobarda) and then it followed the course of the Arno and the Elsa in order to head to Siena. With the reduction in Italy of franchi the road it would have become a feature of the way Francigena, essential instrument for the administration of the empire and axis of sliding of the pilgrims directed to Rome.

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